Charm Mass Determination from QCD Charmonium Sum Rules at Order alpha_s^3

Bahman Dehnadi, Andre H. Hoang, Vicent Mateu, S. Mohammad Zebarjad

We determine the MS¯¯¯¯¯ charm quark mass from a charmonium QCD sum rules analysis. On the theoretical side we use input from perturbation theory at O(α3s) . Improvements with respect to previous O(α3s) analyses include (1) an account of all available e + e

hadronic cross section data and (2) a thorough analysis of perturbative

uncertainties. Using a data clustering method to combine hadronic cross

section data sets from different measurements we demonstrate that using

all available experimental data up to c.m. energies of 10.538

GeV allows for determinations of experimental moments and their

correlations with small errors and that there is no need to rely on

theoretical input above the charmonium resonances. We also show that

good convergence properties of the perturbative series for the

theoretical sum rule moments need to be considered with some care when

extracting the charm mass and demonstrate how to set up a suitable set

of scale variations to obtain a proper estimate of the perturbative

uncertainty. As the final outcome of our analysis we obtain m¯¯¯c(m¯¯¯c)=1.282±(0.006)stat±(0.009)syst±(0.019)pert±(0.010)αs±(0.002)⟨GG⟩GeV . The perturbative error is an order of magnitude larger than the one obtained in previous O(α3s) sum rule analyses.

Particle Physics
External organisation(s)
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), Shiraz University
Journal of High Energy Physics
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103012 High energy physics
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