The MSR mass and the O(Λ<sub>QCD</sub>) renormalon sum rule

Andre H. Hoang, Ambar Jain, Christopher Lepenik, Vicent Mateu, Moritz Preisser, Ignazio Scimemi, Iain W. Stewart

We provide a detailed description and analysis of a low-scale short-distance mass scheme, called the MSR mass, that is useful for high-precision top quark mass determinations, but can be applied for any heavy quark Q. In contrast to earlier low-scale short-distance mass schemes, the MSR scheme has a direct connection to the well known M S ¯ mass commonly used for high-energy applications, and is determined by heavy quark on-shell self-energy Feynman diagrams. Indeed, the MSR mass scheme can be viewed as the simplest extension of the M S ¯ mass concept to renormalization scales ≪ m

Q. The MSR mass depends on a scale R that can be chosen freely, and its renormalization group evolution has a linear dependence on R, which is known as R-evolution. Using R-evolution for the MSR mass we provide details of the derivation of an analytic expression for the normalization of the O(Λ

Q C D) renormalon asymptotic behavior of the pole mass in perturbation theory. This is referred to as the O(Λ

Q C D) renormalon sum rule, and can be applied to any perturbative series. The relations of the MSR mass scheme to other low-scale short-distance masses are analyzed as well.

Particle Physics, Research Platform Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics
External organisation(s)
Universidad de Salamanca, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Indian Institute of Science
Journal of High Energy Physics
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103012 High energy physics
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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