Flavor violating gluino three-body decays at the LHC

Alfred Bartl, Helmut Eberl, Elena Ginina, Björn Herrmann, Keisho Hidaka, Walter Majerotto, Werner Porod

We study the effect of squark generation mixing on gluino production and decays at LHC in the minimal supersymmetric standard model for the case that the gluino is lighter than all squarks and dominantly decays into three particles, (g) over tilde -> q (q) over bar(chi) over tilde (0)(k), q (q) over tilde ' (chi) over tilde (+/-)(l). We assume mixing between the second and the third squark generations in the up-type and down-type squark sectors. We show that this mixing can lead to very large branching ratios of the quark-flavor violating gluino three-body decays despite the strong constraints on quark-flavor violation (QFV) from the experimental data on B mesons. We also show that the QFV gluino decay branching ratios are very sensitive not only to the generation mixing in the squark sector, but also to the parameters of the neutralino and chargino sectors. We show that the branching ratio of the QFV gluino decay (g) over tilde -> c (t) over bar((c) over bart)(chi) over tilde (0)(1) can go up to similar to 40%. Analogously, that of the QFV decay (g) over tilde -> s (b) over bar((s) over barb)(chi) over tilde (0)(1) can reach similar to 35%. We find that the rates of the resulting QFV signatures, such as pp -> tt (c) over bar (c) over barE(T)(mis), can be significant at LHC. This could have an important influence on the gluino searches at LHC.

Particle Physics
External organisation(s)
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU), Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Physical Review D
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103034 Particle physics
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