Can strong correlations be experimentally revealed for κ-mesons?

Beatrix C. Hiesmayr

In 1964 the physicists John St. Bell working at CERN took the 1935-idea of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen seriously and found that all theories based on local realism have to satisfy a certain inequality, nowadays dubbed Bell's inequality. Experiments with ordinary matter systems or light show violations of Bell's inequality favouring the quantum theory though a loophole free experiment has not yet been performed. This contribution presents an experimentally feasible Bell inequality for systems at higher energy scales, i.e. entangled neutral K-meson pairs that are typically produced in Phi-mesons decays or proton-antiproton annihilation processes. Strong requirements have to be overcome in order to achieve a conclusive tests, such a proposal was recently published. Surprisingly, this new Bell inequality reveals new features for weakly decaying particles, in particular, a strong sensitivity to the combined charge-conjugation-parity (CP) symmetry. Herewith, a puzzling relation between a symmetry breaking for mesons and Bell's inequality-which is a necessary and sufficient condition for the security of quantum cryptography protocols-is established. This becomes the more important since CP symmetry is related to the cosmological question why the antimatter disappeared after the Big Bang.

Particle Physics
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103034 Particle physics
ASJC Scopus subject areas
General Physics and Astronomy
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