Factorization and dispersion relations for radiative leptonic B decay

Yu-Ming Wang

Applying the dispersion approach we compute perturbative QCD corrections to the power suppressed soft contribution of B → γℓν at leading twist. QCD factorization for the B → γ

* form factors is demonstrated explicitly for the hard-collinear transverse polarized photon at one loop, with the aid of the method of regions. While the one-loop hard function is identical to the matching coefficient of the QCD weak current ūγ

μ ⊥(1 − γ

5)b in soft-collinear effective theory, the jet function from integrating out the hard-collinear fluctuations differs from the corresponding one entering the factorization formula of B → γℓν, due to the appearance of an additional hard-collinear momentum mode. Furthermore, we evaluate the sub-leading power contribution to the B → γ form factors from the three-particle B-meson distribution amplitudes (DAs) at tree level, with the dispersion approach. The soft contribution to the B → γ form factors from the three-particle B-meson DAs is shown to be of the same power compared with the corresponding hard correction, in contrast to the two-particle counterparts. Numerically the next-to-leading-order QCD correction to the soft two-particle contribution in B → γ form factors will induce an approximately (10 ∼ 20)% shift to the tree-level contribution at λ


0) = 354 MeV. Albeit of power suppression parametrically, the soft two-particle correction can decrease the leading power predictions for the B → γ form factors by an amount of (10 ∼ 30)% with the same value of λ


0). Employing the phenomenological model of the three-particle B-meson DAs inspired by a QCD sum rule analysis, the three-particle contribution to the B → γ form factors is predicted to be of O(1%), at leading order in α

s, with the default theory inputs. Finally, we explore theory constraints on the inverse moment of the leading-twist B-meson DA λ

B from the recent Belle measurements of the partial branching fractions of B → γℓν, taking into account the newly computed contributions to the B → γ form factors at subleading power.

Particle Physics
External organisation(s)
Nankai University
Journal of High Energy Physics
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103012 High energy physics
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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