NNLL top-antitop production at threshold
- Autor(en)
- Maximilian Stahlhofen, André H. Hoang
- Abstrakt
We present an update to the NNLL RG-improved QCD prediction of top-antitop production in electron-positron annihilation at threshold. It includes for the first time a complete NNLL resummation of ultrasoft logarithms, which are dominant at this order and give a sizable correction. The renormalization scale dependence of the total resonance cross section decreases substantially compared to earlier predictions, where the ultrasoft logarithms were included only partially.
- Organisation(en)
- Teilchenphysik
- Journal
- Proceedings of Science (PoS)
- Band
- 2011
- Anzahl der Seiten
- 8
- Publikationsdatum
- 2011
- ÖFOS 2012
- 103034 Teilchenphysik
- Link zum Portal
- https://ucrisportal.univie.ac.at/de/publications/nnll-topantitop-production-at-threshold(e2e45fcd-5008-4328-848a-411b461dda49).html